Sunday, March 2, 2014

So I was asked to contribute some [brad writer] songs for a video production showcasing a German (fingerboarding) skate-team conquering the USA in 2009. The final product is up on youtube. check it out and listen to see if you notice a couple of my beats laced in there! Positive stuff!

Friday, February 21, 2014

I now have the 505 at my disposal (thank you randi!). Looking forward to a bright, and happy future with this machine, cranking out beats all-day-long.
*my beats/production:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

KTP:PILOT (carroll county sketch comedy)

It's been three years in the making...but it's finally done. My latest production is a sketch comedy show. It's awkward humor and oozes with Carroll County culture. 100% independently produced, with an unadulterated aesthetic. Share it if you dig it!!!


I have completed my sophomore  mixtape. Home grown beats and raps by Brad Writer"Don't Call Me B-rad" Listen&Download the entire mixtape for FREE

I've been producing podcast mixtapes with my friends under the group name; Boss Djs. We hang out, and play vinyl records from our personal collections and record it to cassette tape. I process it to share via free mp3 downloads and handing out disc [cd-r] copies. Visit to download some hour-plus long mixes of soul, funk, punk, rock, jazz, reggae, comedy, indie, hip hop goodness- track listings are posted too!
My latest video production: THE JONS "In The Hole And Out Of The Water" DOCUMENTARY.